The Last EVER "Toll Free" Summit!

   We can't create the future by clinging to the past!

Tuesday, Nov. 5th through Thursday, Nov 7th, 2013: 

We're back at the Thompson Hotel, formerly The Sutton Place, right on Rush Street in Chicago (see hotel info below).

Agenda—We'll be working on the agenda over the next few weeks, but here are some of the vitally important issues we will be discussing: 

  • 844 Launch—How to maximize your chance of success!

  • New SMS management team— What this means to SMS/800 operations and service offerings. What positions should we take as a group to ensure that we maintain status quo or better?

  • Texting to toll-free— Several companies are now offering text to toll-free numbers. Find out how texting is being used!

  • Visual Telephony— If texting is an appetizer, then visual telephony is the main course! Find out how this will create a renaissance in "toll-free!" Check out the True View app here. Just dial as you view!

  • Codified transfers— This is the defining issue of out time. What steps do we take to codify transfers without the risk of being taxed out of existence?

  • Game On!—Selling toll-free voice services against the visual web has become frightfully difficult. So, just what do we do in the meantime? (Hint: Second Mortgage? Bad. Home-Equity Loan? Good)

  • "Your Ideas Here!"—If you know of something we should absolutely be included in this years summit, please call or email Loren

Who should attend—This was an invitation-only summit designed for professional owners and operators of shared-use programs and those who aspire to “build-out” or monetize vanity numbers. It was not intended for users, or for those who do not share our core values

If you plan to bring someone who did not attend last year's event or the inaugural summit in 2009, please have your referral call to clear you in. See criteria here. Certain "Joey's" are not welcome!... Sorry boys. No Sharks allowed! We reserve the absolute right to reject anyone's registration for any reason.

Timing— We're having dinner Tuesday night, Nov. 5th, 2013 at the world famous Gibson's Steakhouse directly across from the hotel. On Wednesday, we will spend an evening at the United Center viewing the Stanley Cup winning Chicago Blackhawks*: 

  • Tuesday, Nov 5th, 6:00 Reception/Dinner at Gibson's Steakhouse.

  • Wednesday Sessions, Nov 6th, 9am- 4pm (Agenda to follow)

  • Wednesday Night, Nov 6th, 5:30 on, Blackhawks Game* at the United Center

  • Thursday, Nov 7th Sessions, 9am- 4pm (Agenda to follow)

Meals are included for all attended events, from dinner Tuesday, Nov 5th through lunch Thursday, Nov 7th.

*Important— Thefirst 16 "Founders" who register will receive Blackhawks tickets, those professionals who have attended the Toll Free Summit before. Everyone else will be on standby in order of registration, with the exception of sponsors and special guests (we have just a few tickets set-aside). 

Register below for this invitation-only event—Please note, by registering and/or attending you agree to permit your name and photographic likeness in all forms and media for advertising, trade, and any other lawful purposes:

>>>>Registration Closed!<<<<

If you plan to bring someone who did not attend last year's event or the inaugural summit in 2009, please have your referral call to clear you in. See criteria here. Certain "Joey's" are not welcome!... Sorry boys. No Sharks allowed. We reserve the absolute right to reject anyone's registration for any reason.

Hotel Info— Please plan to stay at the Thompson Hotel even if you have alternative lodging available. We had to guarantee room nights in order to secure the meeting room so every night counts!

You may call-in reservations at 312-266-2100. They just re-opened the hotel, October 1st after a long renovation and are under stress to get everything moving again. It's doubtful that they'll be able to fix their on-line reservation system in the next few days. Just tell the reservations agent that you are reserving a room for the "Toll Free Summit" to get the special rate of $195/night. I've called in a few times and was only delayed a minute or two in reaching an agent. 

The $195 is good for Nov 5- Nov 7th. If you elect to stay longer, please call me and I'll see what I can do. Or, if they run out of rooms at the $195 rate, please alert me at once.

Call: 312-266-2100

Update— It's tricky, but the on-line reservation system may work. Place the dates (Nov 5/Nov7) but NOT the "promo code" and click on "Check Availability." Next, hit "Edit" then "Optional Field." Enter "1310vanity" into the "Group Code" (not the "Promo Code") and click "Modify." If you see "Toll Free Summit," you're in without calling! Keep in mind, this only works for the Nov 5th- Nov 7th. If you want custom dates, please call Loren

Call: 312-266-2100

We have until Monday, Oct 14th to make reservations so please MAKE THEM AT ONCE! Also, please note that valet parking is very, very pricey. Avoid it!