The first-ever Toll-Free Summit will be held in Chicago on November 18 & 19, 2009 at Chicago Sutton Place Hotel, with a casual breakfast on Friday, Nov 20th. 

The summit begins with a reception-dinner on Wednesday night (6:30PM, location to be announced), November 18th sponsored by Telesmart and featuring fine wines by 122 West Winery, a new venture headed by Craig Balkin of Mountain Marketing. The summit continues on Thursday, Nov 19th at the Sutton Place Hotel with a series of round table discussions on key toll-free and licensing topics, and concludes Thursday night with a dinner at one of Chicago’s premier pizzerias (location to be announced). Nothing is formally planned for Friday morning, but there's a great breakfast place across the street from the Hotel.

This in not just a conference, but a summit. That means that we are the entertainment and educators, so plan to participate. Our mission is to learn from each other, so bring your best ideas and be prepared to share your views on best practices. By completing your registration, you agree to be included in photos and video that may be publicly displayed.

The first 10 registrants will pay $450; The next 5, $500;  The next 5, $550. After that, $690 as space permits. We've set these prices to get anyone serious about attending to sign up fast, and make their hotel reservations at once. We've got rooms available for just $169 a night, and there's no need to rent a car. All meals are included and, sponsors permitting, we will be dining well!

If you know anyone who may be interested in sponsoring a meal -- permitting them a display table and time before the group -- please email us at 2009@TollFreeSummit.Com

Here's what we need you to do TODAY to complete your registration. 

1) Send in your check or "PAY NOW"; Until you hear otherwise, the summit cost is $450. Checks should be made out to "TOLL FREE SUMMIT," and MUST BE OVERNIGHTED TO ARRIVE NO LATER THAN MONDAY, NOVEMBER 16thto:

 Toll Free Summit c/o Vanity International

1431 Camino Del Mar

Suite D

Del Mar, CA 92014

858-792-5000 (for overnight)

(NEW Posting) We'll be lucky to break even on this event! We've adopted what we believe to be fair policy:

* Pay early, and get a price break. Sometime the week of 11/9, the price will go up.

* Everybody pays -- Panel Members, Sponsors, and Attendees. No exceptions.

* No refunds, but we will attempt to sell your spot to the very next (currently uncommitted) attendee.

* Once the very limited seats are sold out we may or may not sell SRO tixs, room permitting. We will NOT be switching rooms to accommodate more attendees.

2) Reserve your room! This is critical to ensure that we satisfy our minimum room night guarantee, so we need this done at once. Now. Today, please.

Rooms start at now just $169/night but you can upgrade as follows:

$199 for a Lake View Room

$229 for a Junior Suite

$300 for a Executive Bi-Level Suite

$400 for a Penthouse Bi-Level Suite

You'll want to register for two nights, checking in Wednesday, Nov 18th and checking out Friday, Nov 20th. You may either register on-line or by phone at 866-378-8866. Please use "Special Code" CH090917VAN or, by phone, tell them you are with the "Toll Free Summit," to get the group discount.

3) Go to the Vanity Forum and make your views known. Paul Faust and Loren Stocker are working on the agenda (to be announced), so we need your input. Please comment today!

Now, keep posted. We'll have more for you soon!